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Topics: garage, Exteriors | August 16, 2024

While many people may feel comfortable just using their garage to park their cars, transforming your garage into a functional space is very popular in the Arlington area.  MOSS Building & Design has extensive experience helping Arlington homeowners transform their garage into a functional space.  Some fun ideas for a garage transformation include turning it into a workshop, a home gym, or a storage area. 



Garages can be a great personal workshop for those individuals that like to work with their hands.  They are the perfect area to complete projects that wouldn’t necessarily be appropriate for inside the house.  Some ideas for setting up a workshop include: 

  • Equipment for wood-working and carpentry 
  • Area for car/motorcycle maintenance 
  • Welding station 
  • Potting shed or greenhouse 

The possibilities are endless, and the only limitation is your vision.  No matter what your hobby is, MOSS Building & Design can help you transform your garage into the workshop of your dreams. 



Another fantastic way to transform your garage into a functional space is turning it into a home gym.  There are so many benefits to having a gym in the comfort of your own home.  Working out consistently takes motivation.  With a gym just a few steps from where you sleep, it will be much easier to build up the motivation to work out, even when it is a bad day.  In addition, a home gym is open 24/7, so you will be able to work out around your busy schedule.  Lastly, a home gym is private – which rectifies a huge downfall for many gym-goers.  Having your own personal space to enjoy cardio exercise, strength training, work on flexibility and pliability, or even just to take some time to meditate, is such a relaxing and good feeling! 

Storage Area 

Laundry Room Storage

This last idea is for the Type-A people out there.  We as humans tend to collect a lot of stuff, especially those that have young children.  Some people may embrace the chaos, but many people are terrified of clutter and disorganization.  Garages can be excellent spaces to systematically store all the toys, tools, equipment, and other items that are laying around the house.   

Garages are such great spaces for a storage area because they are usually symmetrical and lend itself well to storage organizers like shelving, drawers, hanging racks, etc.  With MOSS Building & Design helping every step of the way, you will have your storage area of your dreams ready to go in no time.   

Interested in transforming your garage into a functional space at your Arlington home?  Reach out to MOSS Building & Design today to inquire! 


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