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Topics: Additions | August 21, 2024

Home additions are one of most common transformations that residents in Falls Church explore.  It is such an exciting, yet daunting, idea for many reasons.  Additions can be straightforward, like adding a deck and patio to the backyard, or they can be much more complicated, like adding an entire second floor (pop-top addition) to the existing structure.  No matter what your addition might be, preparing your vision, meeting with your personalized MOSS Building & Design team, and staying involved throughout every step of the process is the best way to ensure a successful home addition in the Falls Church area. 

Prepare Your Vision 

Second floor addition stairs in Arlington

The first, and most critical part of the home addition process, is figuring out what type of addition you want added to your home.  This will shape every conversation with your MOSS team.  Feel free to come up with an elaborate plan.  The only limitation during this phase is your imagination!  Below are a few tips for helping to craft your vision: 

  • Decide if your addition would be more functional or aesthetic, or both 
  • Create a comfortable budget 
  • Prepare a contingency plan if there are periods of time when you will need to vacate the premises 
  • Reach out to MOSS once you have your vision ready 

Meet with Your MOSS Team 

Home Additions and Offices Landing Page 3

Once you have your vision locked down (no matter how ambitious!), your MOSS team will meet with you to discuss your vision in detail.  You will get an entire team dedicated to you and your project, including a Project Manager, Architect, and Project Developer.  During these initial meetings, your MOSS team will help refine your vision, determine what is and isn’t feasible within your budget, and lay out a project plan and timeline. 

The best part about working with MOSS is that you will get an entire team dedicated to you.  This team will be completely in-house.  With our All-In-One approach, you won’t have to search around for multiple service providers to bring your vision to life.  From concept to completion, your team will serve as trusted advisors, guiding you through the process of design, construction, and more. 

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Be Involved Through Every Step 

When you work with MOSS, you are treated the same way no matter where the project timeline is currently at.  We fully believe in being collaborative and transparent throughout the entire project lifecycle.  At MOSS, we stand on the tenets of being trustworthy, transparent, and having high character, and that is exemplified through our All-In-One approach.  We want you to be a key cog in the decision-making process, and will gladly collaborate with you through every step of the process.

Back Exterior Home Addition  

Interested in a successful home addition project in the Falls Church area?  Reach out to MOSS Building & Design today to inquire! 

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