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Topics: Living Rooms | September 3, 2024

As Fall approaches, what two adjectives would you rather use than cozy and inviting to describe your family room?  At MOSS Building & Design, we understand that our clients want to love the home that they live in. During the colder months, many Northern Virginians need to spend more time inside due to the unpredictable nature of the weather in the area.  What better way to combat the winter blues than by having a cozy and inviting family room to share with your loved ones or even for hosting Fall or Winter parties.  Below are a few options to help create a cozy and inviting family room in the Vienna area. 

Add a Fireplace 

One of the best features for a cozy and inviting family room is a fireplace.  While traditional, wood-burning fireplaces are beautiful and add sophistication to the home, many homeowners are opting for electric fireplaces that are safer and more efficient to use.  Depending on the structure of the home, one or both options might be available.  If you want to add a fireplace to your family room, your dedicated MOSS team will make sure that every feasible option is explored and communicated to you. 

Stone Built In Fireplace

Fireplaces are a great feature for warming the house during the colder months, but they are also extremely aesthetically pleasing.  It sets a very cozy and inviting vibe to the house.  With your MOSS team helping every step of the way, your new family room will become cozy and inviting, and the perfect place to enjoy a crisp Fall or Winter day. 

Electric fireplace in living area with cozy couch and tv and pool table-1

Choose the Right Colors 

An underrated feature of creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your family room is choosing the right colors.  The right colors can set the mood for the entire room.  While the paint color is something that will be discussed during your project, the subsequent decorating of the family room will also play a major part.  Cozy colors are saturated tones, and they tend to be dark shades of a warm hue.  Below are a handful of colors that give off a cozy and inviting feeling: 

  • Oranges 
  • Yellows 
  • Reds 
  • Golds 

Reston living room with white molding around ceiling

There are millions of different shades of colors, so there are plenty of options to pick the perfect colors for your cozy and inviting family room. 

Add Privacy Door and Windows 

Living room fireplace with large panel windows

In some ways, the words “cozy” and “inviting” contradict each other.  A cozy space could be one that is closed off, solitary, and with a finite area.  Inviting spaces, on the other hand, could be wide open with no defined boundaries.  So how can one make their family room both cozy and inviting at the same time?  Add a privacy door and plenty of windows.  Privacy doors, such as swinging barn-style doors, are a great addition to a family room, because they can be opened to create an inviting atmosphere, or they can be closed for that cozier feel. 

Open Concept Living Room

In addition to a privacy door, having plenty of windows can also create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.  Windows allow plenty of light to get into the room, which is inviting, but it also allows a cozy feel when a storm or other weather event is occurring.  MOSS fully believes in making sure all remodeling projects are multi-functional, so creating a family room that is both cozy and inviting is a challenge we would love to tackle! 

Interested in a family room remodel in the Vienna area?  Reach out to MOSS Building & Design today to inquire! 

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