Register below for the best design event of the year!
Have a great idea for your home? Join us on April 27th to speak to the area's top designers about your home and experience our cutting edge virtual reality design capability, MOSS 360!
Join MOSS for an exclusive event with the area's top designers to discuss your possible project and the latest design trends. Experience MOSS 360, the cutting edge virtual reality remodeling capability, the only one like it in the industry! The evening event includes incredible raffle prizes!
Want on-site design feedback regarding your project? Snap a picture of your existing space and email it to Carly at CMcAlister@MossBuildingandDesign.com prior to the 27th to receive on-site feedback at the event.
**Prizes include an architectural concept design with MOSS 360, a handyman for a day, and more!**
- Bring a friend who has never attended one of our exclusive events before. You will each receive an additional raffle ticket to enter into our grand prize giveaways.
- Submit your project pictures! Receive 3 additional raffle tickets for submitting a before picture that you want to discuss with a designer at the event. Email your pictures and questions to Carly at CMcAlister@MossBuildingandDesign.com