By: Leora Kahn (LKahn@MossBuildingandDesign.com)
Looking to remodel? Here are the crucial spaces you need to incorporate into your dream home:
Tech Free Zone
The idea of having a specific area in the home where technology is forbidden and crafts, reading, and other activities are encouraged. Allows for freedom of thought, a flow of creativity, and family bonding!
Screened In Porch
Porches are one of the best parts of the home. Screened in porches allow for a gathering place free of bugs and weather mishaps. They’re even huge even in the winter with heated floors or a fire place. Other big outdoor rooms to think about adding to your home are sun-rooms, or a four seasons room, which are typically in larger homes.
Outdoor Fire Pit
If you have patio, you have a fire pit. Simple as that. It is a timeless look built for family bonding and endless good times in any temperature!
Home Office
As time goes by, more and more people make the switch from working in the office to working remotely from home. If you’re going to be home and also at work, you should be comfortable! It’s time to make the home office contemporary. A great window with a view is necessary, along with a touch of personal design.
Drop Zone
We are so incredibly busy nowadays. When you come home from a long day, you need a place to drop everything off in a neat and organized manner. This is where the drop zone, or mudroom, comes in. Preferably, right near the garage entrance because functionality is huge here. The drop zone should include built in nooks, separate cubbies for family members, a dirty shoe space, a place for car keys, and maybe even a charging station!
Living Room Den
In the design world, they’ve been trying to get rid of the “living room” for a while now. The formal living room is trending out because people want to be comfortable and relaxed in their own homes. Think about it; do you really only want to get use out of your fancy living room when you’re entertaining guests? NO! Comfort and informality is coming into the market place, and frankly, we are excited about it. Your home is your safe haven, and it’s about time it felt like it. You should feel safe and comfortable, which ties into our previous point, people work from home now! It’s all about open and friendly spaces, so lets get comfortable.
Invisible Kitchen
This is perfect for smaller spaces, such as condos. Great for people who live in walk-able cities, and for the “carry out cook.” The small space is ideal for people who live on their own or have only one roommate! Perfect for function and in turn opens up small spaces to be multi-functional. Simplicity is key!
Pet Space
Don’t forget about your furry family members! There are so many fun ways to incorporate a pet’s home into your home. Here are a few of our favorite examples, via Pinterest.
Best Northern VA Remodeler
Did you know that not only was Moss Home Services just voted The Best Handyman 2017 by the readers of Arlington Magazine, but Moss Building and Design is also the reigning Best Remodeler?! Thank you so much for your support throughout the years, and we look forward to being your one stop shop for all your home improvement needs. If you have any general questions, call MOSS at 703.961.7707 or email Sales@MossBuildingandDesign.com.