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There are times when a remodel happens out of necessity. A storm causes a tree to fall on a home, or a roof has a leakor, in the case of this Annandale home, the basement, while already finished, sustains massive water damage. While the homeowners had been considering an update to the finished space for a while, the slew of unwanted water caused them to remediate and remodel sooner than expected. But doing so proved to have a beautiful result, producing a finished basement that meets the needs of their family today and for years to come.  

A large basement remodel gives our MOSS designers almost a blank canvas in which to create a space that will work for the vision of the homeowners. In this case, our customers were looking for a more functional space with a variety of special touches, including plenty of room for their young children to play, a space for enjoying shows and sports events, an additional bathroom and guest room, and a wet bar for entertaining family and friends.  

Our favorite features include:  

Built-In Entertainment Center – In a large corner space, built-in cabinetry supplies the storage needed for electronics and gaming, a mounted television for watching games or moviescustom shelving for displaying family photos and mementos, and a large sectional sofa for lots of seating options. Having the built-in cabinetry allows for items to be “hidden” from general view and makes the space look incredibly streamlined.  

Wet Bar for Kids & Adults – A corner wet bar was a “must have” for this family. Being able to store stemware and glassware for both children and adults next to a wine rack and built-in drink fridge, as well as a mini-dishwasher, makes entertaining so much easier (and more fun!).  

Extra Bed & Bath – Having a guest room in the basement is a wonderful way to give your visitors privacy: adding on an extra bathroom is the icing on the cake! These homeowners also realized that entertaining is made much easier by having a basement bathroom, accessible from a common area.  

Large Open Play Area – Nothing is more fun for kids than the ability to jump, run and play (especially during chilly winter months).This basement remodel was designed to have plenty of wide open space. Not only does it allow for an abundant amount of room for the family to spread out, the room for toy and game storage is a fantastic use of the space at hand.  

Is your basement in need of a refresh? While sometimes a remodel happens due to circumstances out of our control, if you have been longing for an updated basementement like these Annandale homeowners, take advantage of the moment and begin the process sooner rather than later – the enjoyment of the space will be here before you know it!

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