By: Pam Kopiak (PKopiak@MossBuildingandDesign.com)
Tips From the Best Northern VA Remodeler
Unless you are Harry Potter, a room under the stairs isn’t all that likely. BUT making use of that space IS pretty smart. There are so many things that can be done nowadays. Ideas that go beyond reading nooks and desk spaces. Think bigger here. Impromptu mud rooms, wine cellars and fancy dog crates for starters! Just a few of the many ideas you can dream up.
Abbreviated Mud Room
Need better storage for all those jackets, shoes and backpacks but don’t have a large area to dedicate to a proper mud room? No worries! Use that space under the stairs for a small footprint/big impact solution. Out of sight but super useful – perfect!
Dog House
Have a puppy you need to contain during the day but sick of that unsightly crate? Or maybe you want a space your dog can feel comfortable in while he slumbers through the night (fingers crossed). Look no further than that stairway. It can be the solution to all your pet needs, while aesthetically pleasing at the same time.
Wine Storage
Is it “wine o’clock” pretty often in your home? Maybe you would like to have a space to store all your wine! Forget the simple wine fridge. Do it right and dedicate an entire space to your collection. Create a wine cellar on the main floor for easy access. Light it up and it can be a beautiful display for all your house guests to enjoy. You might just want to put a lock on this space!
Addition Contractor in Northern Virginia
If you need more space to remodel the home of your dreams, look no further! We are your own stop shop for all of your home improvement needs. The professionals at MOSS are here to help. If you have general questions, or would like a free estimate, call MOSS at 703.961.7707 or email Sales@MossBuildingandDesign.com.