Cool your Home for Summer

by admin on July 07, 2016

By: admin

Summer is here and if you've been swatting away  your kids from the thermostat, it might be time to give in. No one likes a hot house in the summertime. If you've had problems with keeping your home cool in the past, it might not just be your A/C unit. Here are some things to look out for to keep your home cool this summer. See some of our past tips for beating the heat this summer.

Inefficient doors and windows

Caulk around doorframes and windows to ensure no air is leaking in or out of these areas. This will keep the loss of precious A/C down to a minimum.


Air leakage to the attic

Air that escapes through the attic is a common problem both in winter and summer. Ensuring your home is not leaking air can save you big $$ in the long run.


Insufficient attic insulation

Even if your cool air isn’t escaping into the attic, keep the heat out altogether by making sure your attic is sufficiently insulated. While this project may not seem pressing since it’s not an aesthetic change to your home, making sure your attic is insulated will help in both the summer and winter months. Need help with any of these projects? Moss Home Services has you covered!