Our MOSS ‘Friends-giving’ is full of delicious recipes that we want to share with you. From everyone here at MOSS, we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving full of food, friends, and family!
Turkey for First-Timers:
Provided by Jodi Jameson, Customer Care Manager
Jodi says, “I was terrified the first time I tried Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily a friend of a friend is the owner of a well-known local restaurant. Although I was somewhat intimidated by him, I called him for advice. Here is what he told me and I’ve been doing it ever since.”
Ahead of Time: Chop tons of celery and onions the day before and store in frig so that’s done.
First Thing: Take 1-lb butter out of the refrigerator first then when you wake up
Pan: Put one Knorr beef bouillon cube and one Knorr chicken bouillon cube in bottom of roaster pan. Add lots of chopped celery and onion. Add (at least) 2 cans of chicken broth to the bottom of the pan (depends on size of pan).
Bird: Remove giblets and neck (check both ends of bird – forgot one year!) Sprinkle salt generously inside bird and rinse well shaking salt-water around inside to clean and then rinse well (cool water). Cut real butter into slices and stuff slices of butter under skin of turkey pushing gently back as far as you can without tearing the skin. Generously rub softened butter or oil on outside of skin. Throw some celery, onion and butter chunks inside bird. Salt and pepper inside and outside. Would love to try fresh herbs inside one day, but my husband is not adventurous. Go for it one day if you have an open-minded spouse. Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley, Rosemary – just throw some raw stalks of each inside.
Game On: Start bird well before the allotted time. Bird can come out and sit for quite a while covered. If you cut it too close – you’ll make yourself crazy. Always assume it will take longer than you expect so do not start bird based on timing on package before you want to serve. If you think bird will take 3 hours and you want to serve dinner at 3:00 – do not start at 12:00. Start at 10:00. Place bird in prepped pan. Put heavy duty tin foil over bird/pan in a tent – NOT TOUCHING BIRD. Cook at 350 until pop up pops or allotted time (can adjust if large bird or taking too long). After first 1-1/2 to 2 hours in oven, add more chicken broth to keep bottom of pan very fluid. The bouillon, celery, onion, chicken broth and bird juice are making for some great gravy. Baste bird with baster often after 2 or so hours (depends on size of bird) – but be quick as the longer the door is open, heat is getting out and slowing cooking. Once the bird is done, remove tin foil and if needed, turn on broiler for a few minutes to brown skin so it’s pretty. Remember, it will keep cooking in its own heat once removed so don’t cook too long or it will be dry. Once removed, cover bird in pan well with heavy duty tin foil and let sit while you work on other things. When you remove bird from pan so you can use all that juice for gravy, make sure to cover well so it doesn’t get dry. Give it another baste for the road – even under the skin. Keeping moist is crucial.
Parsnip and Pear Puree:
Provided by Cathy McCoy, Customer Care Manager
- 6 cups of chopped parsnip
- ½ stick butter
- 2 tbsp. Anjou pears peel/chop
- 1 tbsp. grand mariner
- ½ cup sour cream
- ¼ teaspoon allspice
- Salt and pepper
Cook parsnips. Boil in sauce pan, sauté pears with butter and grand mariner. Add all to food processor. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve hot.

Caramel Apple Pie:
Provided by Jenn Zschunke, Community Relations Manager, inspired by The Pioneer Woman
- 1 whole Pie Crust
- 6 cups (to 7 Cups) Peeled And Sliced Granny Smith Apples
- 1/2 whole (juice Of) Lemon
- 1/2 cup Sugar
- 4 Tablespoons Flour
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt
- 1/2 cup Flour
- 1-1/2 stick Butter
- 1 cup Brown Sugar
- 1/2 cup Quick Oats
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt
- 1/2 cup Pecans, Chopped
- 1/2 jar (or More) Caramel Topping
In a bowl mix peeled apples, lemon juice, sugar, flour and ¼ teaspoon salt. Set aside. For crumb topping, cut the butter into the flour with a pastry cutter, and then add in brown sugar, oats, and ¼ teaspoon salt.
Add apples to prepared pie shell and top with crumb topping. Cover crust edges with aluminum foil and bake in a 375 degree oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil from crust and place back into the oven for another 30 minutes. Chop pecans, and when five minutes remain, sprinkle them over the pie. Finish baking. Quiver with anticipation.
Remove the pie from the oven and pour ½ jar of caramel topping over the top. Allow to cool slightly before serving, or don’t if you can’t wait. Eat. Enjoy. Smile. Cry. Then smile again.
Tom’s Mom's Apple Crisp
Provided by Cathy McCoy, Customer Care Manager
- Cut and peel 8-10 tart apples
- Slice and put them in a square Pyrex pan
- Sprinkle with ½ cup sugar and 1-2 tbsp. of cinnamon
- Dot with butter
- Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour, 1 tsp of vanilla, and 1 egg into crumb mix
- Sprinkle on the apples
- Melt one stuck of butter and pour over top
- Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes, or until apples are mushy